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Time has flown by and it’s the final few days of St Paul's Gyratory transformation project. Please participate in the surveys by Friday, 29th September if you haven't yet done so.
Thank you again to all those who have already commented. Your comments will help shape the future of St. Paul's Gyratory.
Please share with family and friends so they can have their say too! Find the link to the consultation here:
Posted on 27th September 2023
by The City of London Corporation
Thanks to everyone who has participated so far. We've had 1,156contributions on the the proposed changes to St Paul's Gyratory. Here's some key topics that are being discussed below.
Please share with family and friends so they can have their say too! There is only 6 days left of the consultation. Find the link here:
Posted on 22nd September 2023
by The City of London Corporation
City AM says St Paul’s will undergo a revamp to create the largest square in the square mile as part of a drive to improve public realm, with Chairman of the Planning and Transportation Committee, Shravan Joshi, quoted.
Construction Enquirerleads with the closure of the Gyratory road to create the Square Mile’s largest piazza and also quotes Shravan. Also in Horticulture Week.
Posted on 12th July 2023
by The City of London Corporation